Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Doing What It Takes
Doing What it Takes â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†the story of a drifting man who meets an old woman and her daughter, is a very interesting piece by Flannery O’Connor. The old woman, Lucynell Crater and her daughter, also Lucynell Crater, live by themselves, and one day Mr. Shiftlet, the drifter, appears on their front porch. This story tells about how their relationship grows all together and very effectively uses symbolism to explain the characters intentions. Through O’Connor’s symbolism we see what all the characters have in mind and it is shown through their thoughts and actions. Although Lucynell Crater, the mother, and Mr. Shiftlet seem to be very polite and generous, O’Connor provides us with a window that helps us see more clearly, the intentions on both Mrs., Crater’s and Mr. Shiftlet’s parts. O’Connor describes Mr. Shiftlet to be a very nice and generous man, looking for a place to stay in return for his work. His actions, for the most part, show us his good intentions and lead us to believe that he is a good person. Yet, while his actions mostly portray good aspects, O’Connor uses symbolism to sneak in the true meaning behind Mr. Shiftlet. â€Å"His left coat sleeve was folded up to show there was only half an arm in it and his gaunt figure listed slightly to the side as if the breeze were pushing him.†(O’Connor 47) O’Connor uses his disability to show us that he isn’t normal. Normal people have two arms and Mr. Shiftlet did not, so something is â€Å"wrong†with him. He isn’t normal. â€Å"‘†¦there ain’t a broken thing on this plantation that I couldn’t fix for you, one-arm jackleg or not. I’m a man,’ he said with a sullen dignity, ‘even if I ain’t a whol e one.’†(O’Connor 53) We see here that Mr. Shiftlet is capable of doing normal things so this leads me to believe that his abnormality must be something within. His arm lets us know of something fishy,... Free Essays on Doing What It Takes Free Essays on Doing What It Takes Doing What it Takes â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†the story of a drifting man who meets an old woman and her daughter, is a very interesting piece by Flannery O’Connor. The old woman, Lucynell Crater and her daughter, also Lucynell Crater, live by themselves, and one day Mr. Shiftlet, the drifter, appears on their front porch. This story tells about how their relationship grows all together and very effectively uses symbolism to explain the characters intentions. Through O’Connor’s symbolism we see what all the characters have in mind and it is shown through their thoughts and actions. Although Lucynell Crater, the mother, and Mr. Shiftlet seem to be very polite and generous, O’Connor provides us with a window that helps us see more clearly, the intentions on both Mrs., Crater’s and Mr. Shiftlet’s parts. O’Connor describes Mr. Shiftlet to be a very nice and generous man, looking for a place to stay in return for his work. His actions, for the most part, show us his good intentions and lead us to believe that he is a good person. Yet, while his actions mostly portray good aspects, O’Connor uses symbolism to sneak in the true meaning behind Mr. Shiftlet. â€Å"His left coat sleeve was folded up to show there was only half an arm in it and his gaunt figure listed slightly to the side as if the breeze were pushing him.†(O’Connor 47) O’Connor uses his disability to show us that he isn’t normal. Normal people have two arms and Mr. Shiftlet did not, so something is â€Å"wrong†with him. He isn’t normal. â€Å"‘†¦there ain’t a broken thing on this plantation that I couldn’t fix for you, one-arm jackleg or not. I’m a man,’ he said with a sullen dignity, ‘even if I ain’t a whol e one.’†(O’Connor 53) We see here that Mr. Shiftlet is capable of doing normal things so this leads me to believe that his abnormality must be something within. His arm lets us know of something fishy,...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Let Your Wishes Be a Writing Prompt
Let Your Wishes Be a Writing Prompt Let Your Wishes Be a Writing Prompt Let Your Wishes Be a Writing Prompt By Mark Nichol In 1970, poet Kenneth Koch went into classrooms at a Manhattan elementary school and benevolently tricked children into realizing that every one of them was a writer. It’s been a long time since I read Wishes Lies, and Dreams, his paperback memoir/anthology, but I do recall that the first thing he did was ask the students to write a list of wishes. After reading some of the lists aloud, he congratulated the kids on their poetry, which surprised them, because few of them had ever thought of themselves as poets. But poets they all were. We’re not talking about roses-are-red rhyming here, either; in these and other exercises, with Koch as their guide, the children unleashed their creativity with sophisticated, eloquent, heartfelt imagery. I do not read or write poetry, but I was enchanted by the results of Koch’s efforts, and I encourage you to use the following prompts to help you express yourself: Wishes Lies Dreams Noises Colors After you’ve tackled each theme, combine two or more of them in one piece of writing. Then, for a little more of a challenge, explore relationships between things: Comparisons Metaphors Being an Animal or a Thing I Used to . . ./But Now. . . I Seem to Be . . ./But Really I Am . . . If you find yourself stumbling, use the experience and run with it. For example, in one of Koch’s exercises, a third grader who meant to write â€Å"a swarm of bees†misspelled swarm as swan. Instead of marking up the spelling error, Koch challenged the students to come up with similar fantastical expressions, giving as additional examples â€Å"a window of kisses†and â€Å"a blackboard of dreams.†This book and its successor, Rose, Where Did You Get That Red? (the title is the opening line of a student’s poem), feature even more prompts, including, in the latter book, ten inspired by classic poems. Both books are still in print. If you’re a teacher or a parent, let children’s imaginations soar with these ideas, but not before you try them out yourself. If you’re not, don’t use that excuse to avoid these inspiring ideas. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:70 Idioms with HeartThe Difference Between "will" and "shall"Personification vs. Anthropomorphism
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Police Brutality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Police Brutality - Research Paper Example Police more often injure arrestees after they handcuff them or even when they are at the police cells or remand. Many arrestees complain of being hurt by police officers after complying with their orders. Rogue police hit, kick, or even punch arrestees leaving them with a lot of injuries and mental torture (Elicker, 2008). At times, police use excess power when arresting people who are not resistant to the police. Only such power fit to resistant and stubborn suspects but not people who are willing to comply. Some police officers use chock holds when arresting people, which is a very intimidating and demeaning way of handling suspects since they have their human rights till proven guilty. Some police officers go to extend of hitting arrestees and other criminal suspects with harmful and dangerous instruments like guns. This exposes the victims to permanent or short-term effects. Many police brutality victims suffer brain injuries, body deformities, Spinal cord injuries and worse even , others die (Pinizzotto et al., 2012). Some police officers perceive use of electrical shock devices as a convenient way of inducing arrest of suspects. They target getting control of the arrestee without considering the effect of the shock to the individual. Consequently, many arrestees suffer from heart attacks and other personal injuries because of the electrical shock exposed to them. Police officers are only authorized by law to use guns at the last case situation but contrary, police shootings and killings are increasing on a daily basis. As a result, many deaths result from shooting misidentified individuals, and bystanders (Fox, 2011). Due to the high numbers of firing guns, chances of stray bullets are also high therefore increasing the number of deaths of innocent people. At times, police officers use a squad car to chase after a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Sleeping Pill Ambien Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sleeping Pill Ambien - Essay Example The jobs, relationships, productivity, health and safety are all put at risk. And lack of sleep due to sleep loss or sleep disorders is taking a serious toll globally. There are many who experience problems with sleep and often depend on sleeping pills. Sleeping pills belong to a larger group of substances known as the sedative-hypnotics, which slow down or "sedate" the central nervous system that includes the brain, and spinal cord. This affects thinking, feeling, and body movement and function (AADAC, 2003). Sleeping pills are not a new concept. Herbal potions and the opiate laudanum were used centuries ago to induce sleep. Barbiturates were introduced by the early 1900s. Later in 60s benzodiazepines were introduced. And in 90s a safer class of drugs for sleeplessness known as nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics came into the market (Mayo clinic staff 2007). Sleeping pills act by binding with protein molecules called GABA receptors on the surface of nerve cells. The same protein receptor molecules bind at the same time with a neurotransmitter chemical called GABA. Barbiturates and other sleeping pills accentuate the action of GABA which causes the receptor molecule to allow the negatively charged chloride ions to enter the nerve cells. The chloride ions then make the inside the nerve cell more negatively polarized, which in turn, makes the nerve cells less active. In the 1970's, a new group of sleeping pills became popular, molecules which chemically are named benzodiazepines. The main advantage of benzodiazepines is that they are less likely to produce acute overdose deaths than barbiturates (Kripke 2006). Chemical Structure of Zolpidem (Ambien) Source: Wikipedia Zolpidem (Ambien): Mechanism of action Zolpidem (Ambien) is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Zolpidem is a prescription short-acting nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic that potentiates gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter, by binding to benzodiazepine type 1 (BZ1) receptors. However, zolpidem binds more exclusively to some of the several kinds of benzodiazepine receptors, and as a result it causes less anti-anxiety effect, less muscle weakness and less anti-epileptic effect than most benzodiazepines. It has been claimed that zolpidem distorts EEG sleep patterns less than other hypnotics and that it produces
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Tornado in Oklahama Essay Example for Free
Tornado in Oklahama Essay Tornadoes are violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes are known to cause a lot of destruction depending on how violent it occurs. Tornadoes are more common in the United States than any other country. United States receives more than one thousand two hundred tornadoes annually. Most tornadoes in the United States occur in Tornado Alley; an area including states of Oklahama, Texas, Missouri and Kansas. This piece of work will mainly dwell on comparison of data of tornadoes occurring in states of Oklahama, Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. METHODS Quantitative Data Analysis This is the method used to correct this piece of work where the various portions of the data where collected from records Time series: the information used to conduct this study was done over a period of time where tornadoes frequency, fatality, injuries and number of deaths are indicated. RESULTS Compared with other states, Oklahama ranks number 2 for frequency to tornadoes, 7 for number of death,9 for injuries and 5 for cost of damages. If we compare this statistics to other states by frequency per square mile, Oklahama ranks number 2 for frequency of tornadoes, number 10 for fatalities, number 15 for injuries per square and number 4 for cost per area. The state of Missouri ranks number 8 for frequency, 12 for number of deaths, 15 for injuries and 9 for cost of damage. Comparing with statistics of other states by frequency per square mile, Missouri ranks number 13 for frequency of tornadoes, 14 for fatalities, 19 for injuries per square and 15 for cost per area. In Kansas we have it ranked 3 for frequency of tornadoes, 8 for number of deaths, 14 for injuries and 3 for cost of damage. In comparison with statistics of other states it ranks number 4 for frequency of tornadoes, 13 for fatalities, 22 for injuries per area and 8 for cost per area. Arkansas is ranked number 16 for frequency of tornadoes, 8 for number of deaths, and 14 for injuries 3 for cost of damage. When compared with statistics of other states by frequency per square mile, Arkansas ranks number 16 for frequency of tornadoes, 5 for fatalities, 7 for injuries per square and 16 per cost per area.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Fate In Oedipus Rex :: essays research papers
     Through Sophocles’ use of foreshadowing in the play Oedipus Rex, certain truths are revealed to the reader, such as the fact that a lack of respect for fate can eventually bring on a person’s downfall, by driving them to delusion. Oedipus is looked up to by all his kingdom at the opening of the play, only to be thwarted by his own lack of intelligence-- and more by his lack of faith than even that. Oedipus, once the sanguine, yet slightly overbearing ruler of the people, is reduced to less than a sliver of a human being. When confronted by the prophet Teiresius, Oedipus feels most perplexed and even exposed. And so he rejects any possibility of validity in Teiresius’ prognostication, and, in doing this, signs his own sentence. Because of Oedipus’ failure to respect the insight of a gifted seer, he is doomed to a blind and bloody end.      As I have said before, Oedipus was first revered by all his people. His earnest patriotism for his adoptive land and people are well received by all in his kingdom. After all, he is the most â€Å"glorious Oedipus†(p.13,ln.8). Oedipus perceives himself to be a flawless champion for those surrounding him. These blind expectations that the most exalted Oedipus has for himself are the very things that lead him to put little credence in others and nearly all his faith in himself. And once he decides he is stronger than prophecy, his mad, unseeing eyes are unable to pick up the warning signs lining his road to oblivion.      At one point in the play, the blind, hermaphroditic Teiresius enters to bring Oedipus’ head out of the clouds and back to earth where things are a mite different. This is one point of the play in which Oedipus is unbelievably close to finally buying into the fact that some power higher than himself could be at work-- and yet his arrogance and pride hinder him from accepting the legitimacy of fate. Oedipus finds the idea that Teiresius could know more than he simply offensive. Teiresius, sensing Oedipus’ hostility toward him, warns the king that when Oedipus berates him that â€Å"such taunts will... cast the selfsame taunts on you,†(p.126,ln.73). One would assume that Oedipus, knowing Teiresius’ reputation as a most unfailing and precise prophet would take heed in his further dealings with fate. However, in a style most befitting his character, he ignores these insights. Only when Teiresius mentions Oedipus’ parents does Oedipus listen. His interest sparked, the king cautiously asks, â€Å" What mortals gave me birth?†(p.28,ln.437). Teiresius elaborates further by stating that the king shall â€Å" At once be revealed as brother
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Carpool: Automobile and Transportation Options Essay
For many Frederick County residents, commuting 1-2 hours a day to get to and from their DC area jobs is the norm. According to one Washington Post poll, â€Å"Washington-area residents spend nearly twice as long getting to work as people in the rest of the nation. They also get stuck in traffic jams three times more often than commuters in the rest of the country†(Ginsburg). Yet, most commuters in our area still prefer to drive themselves to work. When weighing the option to either drive yourself to work or carpool, it would be smart to consider the benefits and drawbacks of both, as well as to take an inventory of how each option fits your priorities, goals, and preferences. A carpool is made up of two or more people who share a ride. The obvious benefits of carpooling include reduced traffic congestion and improved air quality; while some of the more personal benefits of carpooling are: being able to relax or read while someone else drives, saving on the cost of gas, reducing wear and tear on your vehicle, and obtaining possible discounts on auto insurance (â€Å"Transportation Options†). It is also most likely to be faster, cheaper, cleaner, and less crowded than public transportation (Zimmerman). Recently, the Internet has made it easier to connect with locals that want to share a ride. Disadvantages of carpooling may include: having to ride with strangers (or putting yourself out there and making the effort to meet new people), not having the freedom to run errands on the way home if needed, and having to remember carpool etiquette (Zimmerman). People sharing rides typically live and/or work near each other and have a similar work schedule – which could be difficult to arrange (Yeager). One disadvantage of being a carpool driver is the potential legal action from passengers in the case of an accident. Although most metropolitan area carpool organizations these days offer a â€Å"guaranteed ride home†service of some sort (â€Å"Transportation Options†), you would need to find alternate transportation on a day when your carpool driver is sick or on vacation. Driving one’s own vehicle, the preferred method of getting where you need to go for decades now, has plenty of its own advantages and disadvantages of course. Advantages of driving yourself include: being in control of where you go and at what speed, the ability to have a conversation on speaker phone (hands-free, mind you) without having to worry about annoying or offending other passengers, and the ability to listen to your own music at whichever volume you desire. An article on Associated Content, a news Website for Yahoo, suggests that drivers may also choose their car over ride sharing because of conflicting schedules, unpredictable overtime, long hours, sudden demands and unexpected deadlines (Nyholm). One of the biggest disadvantages of commuting in your own car is the cost. The average cost of owning and operating a vehicle in 2009 was 54 cents per mile, or over $14,000 per year, according to AAA’s 2009 Edition of Driving Costs as listed on the Commuter Connections Website (â€Å"Transportation Options†). Even so, owning and driving a vehicle is somewhat of an American standard and a right of passage. Driving is a responsibility people take on with a sense of pride. Edward McDonagh, a Sociology professor who served as dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Ohio State University, was once quoted as saying â€Å"The car has become a secular sanctuary for the individual, his shrine to the self, his mobile Walden Pond†(â€Å"Driving Quotes†). People love their cars so much that they are willing to keep on driving despite the expense, the high volume of traffic, and the adverse effects it may have on the planet. Carpooling is definitely more earth-friendly, while driving is obviously more self-satisfying for a multitude of reasons. It is important to think about where your priorities lie – whether or not you want to make more of an effort to go green, help reduce rush hour congestion, or save a little money and wear and tear on your car; or whether your life dictates that you have the freedom to come and go as you please. When deciding whether or not carpooling is right for you, it makes sense to explore each option, to compare all of the advantages and disadvantages of both driving yourself and carpooling, and to think about which best fits your lifestyle.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Which customers should HubSpot target Essay
Which customers should HubSpot target: Owner Ollies or Marketer Marys? Or perhaps only a portion of one of the segments? Give the positives-and-negatives of your choice. I personally believe that Hubspot should target Owner Ollies. Owner Allies are already a major segment of their business. With 73% of the customers belonging to this category, they have a sound understanding of selling to this segment. It takes them less money to attract customers in this segment and the selling time is much faster. It also takes a smaller time period to recover the costs invested in acquiring these customers. The needs of the OO market segment was also fairly easy to service. Owner Ollies is a bigger market segment with huge potential to service with the existing solution whereas Marketer marys’s market needs to be developed further with a comprehensive solution. Within the market, Hubspot should target the B2B segment as the churn rate in this segment is lesser compared to the B2C segment. Positives Negatives Easier to sell, Lower sales complexity Higher Churn rates as compared to MMs. Lower cost to acquire B2B needed more help, as not well worse in marketing strategies Average churn rate of B2B is 8.7% as compared to B2C’s 11.9% MMs pay more money for monthly usage Not established businesses, could go out of businesses in a recession Well-funded and had the money to pay Hubspot’s products. Lower customer loyalty, as the needs of the customer is satisfied in a few months and then they discontinue the service. Missing out on opportunity to develop more sophisticated tools that will help expand the business in the long run. Higher Support costs MMs are likely to use inbound marketing products often. Does HubSpot have the right set of products for the target customers you selected? If not, what product changes and/or enhancements should they make? Yes, Hubspot has the right set of products for the Owner Ollie market segment. Currently, Owner Ollie consists of 73% of hubspot’s market and this signifies a good deal about the product offering’s meeting customer needs. Hubspot offers content design solutions that makes creating and editing online content easy. It has predefined templates and can be used non-tech savvy users. SEO is important to this customer segment and Hubspot has a Link grader analyzer product that satisfies this need. Hubspot software has marketing intelligence analytics for tracking the interactions with the firm’s content and enabled firms to analyze which of the inbound marketing programs were working to generate quality Leads. The key business need of this customer segment is a quick simple solution to generate more leads and convert those leads into sales. Hubspot can focus a little more on their Lead Grader and Lead Visit Alert solutions to enhance the impact on this customer segment and try and retain customers over time. Overall I believe, Hubspot, Offers a competitively priced product that is easy to use as well as does not require substantial technical expertise to use. Hence meeting the needs of the targeted customer segment. Market Size: Owners 1,676,130 *3K/year = 5.03B Marketers 612,938 *6K/year = 3.68B Customer Lifetime value – monthly profit *lifetime – acquisition cost OO CLV= 250*23-1,000 = 4750 MM CLV = 500*31-5,000 = 10,500 Profit potential of segment = # of cutoemrs in segment * probability of attracting them * average retention time * profit potential per customer
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Diurnal Cycle and How it Affects Daily Temperatures
The Diurnal Cycle and How it Affects Daily Temperatures All things in nature have a diurnal or daily pattern simply because they change throughout the course of a day. In meteorology, the term diurnal most often refers to the change of temperature from the daytime high to the nighttime low. Why Highs Dont Happen at High Noon The process of reaching a daily high (or low) temperature is a gradual one. It begins each morning when the Sun rises and its rays extend toward and strike the Earths surface. Solar radiation directly heats the ground, but because of lands high heat capacity (ability to store heat), the ground doesnt immediately warm. Just as a pot of cold water must first warm before coming to a boil, so must the land absorb a certain amount of heat before its temperature rises. As the grounds temperature warms, it heats a shallow layer of air directly above it by conduction. This thin layer of air, in turn, heats the column of cool air above it. Meanwhile, the Sun continues its trek across the sky. At high noon, when it reaches its peak height and is directly overhead, sunlight is at its most concentrated strength. However, because the ground and air must first store heat before radiating it to surrounding areas, maximum air temperature isnt yet reached. It actually lags this period of maximum solar heating by several hours! Only when the amount of incoming solar radiation equals the amount of outgoing radiation does the daily high temperature occur. The time of day this generally happens depends on a number of things (including geographic location and time of year) but is usually between the hours of 3-5 p.m. local time. After noon, the Sun begins its retreat across the sky. From now until sunset, the intensity of incoming solar radiation continually declines. When more heat energy is being lost to space than is incoming at the surface, a minimum temperature is reached. 30 F of (Temperature) Separation On any given day, the temperature swing from low and high temperature is roughly 20 to 30 F. A number of conditions can widen or lessen this range, such as: Day length. The greater (or shorter) the number of daylight hours, the more (or less) time the Earth is subject to heating. Length of daylight hours is determined by geographic location as well as season.Cloudiness. Clouds are good at both absorbing and giving off longwave radiation, and at reflecting shortwave radiation (sunlight). On cloudy days, the ground is shielded from incoming solar radiation because this energy is reflected back out into space. Less incoming heat means less and a decrease in diurnal temperature variation. On cloudy nights, diurnal range is also decreased, but for opposite reasons heat is trapped near the ground, which allows the days temperatures to remain constant rather than to cool.Elevation. Because mountain areas are located farther from the radiating heat source (the sun-heated surface), they are warmed less and also cool more rapidly after sunset than do valleys.Humidity. Water vapor is good at absorbing and giving off longwave radiation (energy tha ts released from the Earth) as well as absorbing in the near-infrared part of solar radiation, which reduces the amount of daytime energy reaching the surface. Because of this, daily highs are typically lower in humid environments than they are in dry environments. This is the primary reason why desert regions experience some of the most extreme day-to-night temperature fluctuations. Wind speed. Winds cause air at different levels of the atmosphere to mix. This mixing lessens the difference in temperature between warmer and cooler air, thus decreasing the diurnal temperature range. How to See the Diurnal Pulse In addition to feeling the diurnal cycle (which is done easily enough by enjoying a day outside), its also possible to visibly detect it. Watch a global infrared satellite loop closely. Do you notice the curtain of dark to light that rhythmically sweeps across the screen? Thats Earths diurnal pulse! Diurnal temperature isnt just essential to understanding how we meet our high and low air temperatures, its essential to the science of winemaking.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
UMass Boston Admissions and Acceptance Rate
UMass Boston Admissions and Acceptance Rate The University of Massachusetts Boston is a public research university located in Boston, Massachusetts. The second-largest campus of the UMass system, it is the only public university in metropolitan Boston. The 177-acre waterfront campus sits on the edge of the Columbia Point Peninsula overlooking the bay and providing easy access to the cultural and recreational offerings of downtown Boston. UMass Boston has a student-faculty ratio of 16 to 1 and offers 65 undergraduate degree programs, 39 master’s degree programs, 13 doctoral programs, and 14 certificate programs. The top degrees awarded at the university include bachelor’s degrees in management, psychology, nursing, criminal justice, and English and master’s degrees in education, business administration and applied linguistics. Students have access to rich campus life, with over 100 clubs and organizations in addition to the amenities and culture of the surrounding community. The UMass Boston Beacons compete in NCAA Division III in the East Coast Athletic Conference and Little East Conference. Admissions Data (2016) UMass Boston Acceptance Rate: 69%GPA, SAT, and ACT Graph for UMass Boston AdmissionsTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 470 / 580SAT Math: 490 / 600ACT Composite: 21 / 26ACT English: 20 / 26ACT Math: 22 / 27 Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 16,847 (12,847 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 47% male / 53% female72% full-time Costs (2016 - 17) Tuition and Fees: $13,435 (in-state); $32,023 (out-of-state)Books: $800Room and Board: $9,200Other Expenses: $2,956Total Cost: $26,391 (in-state); $44,979 (out-of-state) UMass Boston Financial Aid (2015 - 16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 81%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 73%Loans: 50%Average Amount of AidGrants: $10,267Loans: $5,378 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Biology, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, English, Exercise and Health Sciences, Nursing, Psychology Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates First-Year Student Retention (full-time students): 79%Transfer Out Rate: 34%4-Year Graduation Rate: 18%6-Year Graduation Rate: 45% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Lacrosse, Soccer, Track and Field, Tennis, Baseball, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Cross CountryWomens Sports: Basketball, Ice Hockey, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Track and Field, Cross Country UMass Boston Mission Statement The University of Massachusetts Boston is a public research university with a dynamic culture of teaching and learning, and a special commitment to urban and global engagement. Our vibrant, multi-cultural educational environment encourages our broadly diverse campus community to thrive and succeed. Our distinguished scholarship, dedicated teaching, and engaged public service are mutually reinforcing, creating new knowledge while serving the public good of our city, our commonwealth, our nation, and our world.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Westcan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Westcan - Research Paper Example This may help manager to identify areas deficiency among them for further training (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2010). Additionally, managers should be asked to give out their opinion concerning the kind of training they would like to have in order to ensure training administered to them is relevant and effective (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2010). Also, it is also very vital to seat down with managers and identify areas of deficiencies among them (Author, 2012). This can help managers to design an effective training package (Bramley & Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, 2003). In above connection, questionnaires should be designed, piloted and administered to managers to gather information on what should be done in order to have effective meetings (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2010).Research indicates that, managers understand the elements of an effective meeting but they don’t practice what they were taught (Author, 2012).Therefore, managers should be encouraged to put the theory they learnt into practice so that they can become effective and efficient (Bramley & Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, 2003). Conclusively, the identified needs for training should be evaluated by determining the extent at which the training needs have been implemented (Bramley & Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, 2003). Bramley, P., & Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. (2003). evaluating training: [from personal insight to organizational performance]. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and
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